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Happy Holidays from SUISSE

Once again the holiday season is among us, and while most of us are celebrating and full of good cheer, those of us who are struggling with hair loss may not be feeling all that warm and fuzzy this time of year. It's not easy to be festive when you feel uncomfortable with your appearance. Hair loss is an emotional journey that takes time to understand, accept, and conquer. When we first notice that our hair is thinning, it can be extremely overwhelming, especially for younger men and women. "Why is this happening, what can I do about it, why me"? Losing your hair can have a dramatic effect on your self esteem which can cause even more frustration and anxiety when social events require you to show up looking your best.


Some of us who are losing our hair start avoiding all situations where a hat may not be considered appropriate attire. Oddly, as if to add insult to injury, celebrities are given an exception to the rules, which doesn't seem fair to the rest of us. Why is it that if you're famous it's perfectly acceptable to wear a bandana or hat in a formal scenario, while the rest of us have to expose our most private insecurity to the public? If you haven't figured it out yet, here's a simple explanation... hair loss becomes a prison for so many of us, it causes depression, it's heartbreaking, and simply hard to accept.


Not everyone suffering with hair loss is vocal about it. In fact, it's not uncommon for those dealing with hair loss to keep the problem to themselves due to the feeling of embarrassment. We find ways to avoid the topic and letting anyone get a good view of the progression of our thinning hair. If you're reading this now with a full head of hair and don't really understand what the big deal is, here's an analogy... Imagine walking into a formal event where everyone is dressed to the hilt, you show up naked, the music stops, the room goes silent, and all eyes turn to you, how do you think this would make you feel? This is what hair loss feels like every day to millions of women and men all over the world.


We've come a long way as a society. We've figured out ways to settle our differences, treat diseases, we've even discovered ways to leave the planet, but we still haven't found a way to cure hair loss. Sure, there are countless drugs, topical treatments, lasers, and surgical procedures to combat hair loss however, none of them are a permanent solution and most of them don't even produce a cosmetically acceptable result. If a laboratory mixes up elements that can clinically grow a minimal amount of peach fuzz, that concoction can then be marketed as a hair regrowth product. This type of marketing of "snake oil" has been around since before the Vaudeville days, and chances are even ancient civilizations were trying to figure out how to regrow hair through forms of alchemy and witchcraft. 


So while you're enjoying the holidays, please take into consideration that if you know someone who may be secretly suffering with hair loss, natural hair integration from SUISSE could very well be the greatest gift you could give this year! And just to be clear, no, non-surgical hair replacement from SUISSE isn't a cure for baldness, as there is no cure for baldness, but our Invisible Attachment technique has proven time and time again to be a positive life changing experience for anyone who wishes they had a full head of hair.


From all of us here at SUISSE SALON, we sincerely wish you all a happy holiday season and the hair you have always dreamed of...

Wind in the Hair

Happy Holidays!


CALL NOW! (617)244-9414

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